How do you count seats?

On the Billing screen, you will find two categories:


  • These are the team members on your Members list.
  • These are the participants with the Submit permission, or both the Submit and View permissions.
  • Collaborators can create new applets in your workspace.

On your Billing screen, they will be shown as your collaborators, and they will be counted as paid seats. 


  • These are the members on your Observers list.
  • These are your participants with the View permission and never with the Submit permission.
  • Unlike collaborators, those members who are observers can not create new applets in your workspace.

On your Billing screen, they will be shown as your observers. They can be thought of as guests, and will not be counted as paid seats.

When you switch a collaborator to an observer on the Billing screen, their permission to create applets and records will be automatically removed. They will no longer be counted as a paid seat. They will become free for your account.